Share Trading
Share trading account allows investors to buy and sell securities listed on the Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (Bursa Securities) and other recognised stock exchanges.
Settlement of trades executed on the Bursa Securities are in accordance with the Bursa Securities Fixed Delivery and Settlement System (FDSS).
Securities settlement is effected through book entry via the Central Depository System (CDS). As such, investors are required to open a CDS Account through us to facilitate securities settlement.
Settlement of your purchases shall be effected using your own funds upon settlement date. Alternatively, you may deposit cash collateral into your trust account to facilitate your trade settlement upon due date. Interest is payable on client’s trust account balances and is calculated on daily basis. The Company reserves the right to vary the interest rate at its sole discretion from time to time.
All proceeds due to you will be automatically credited into your trust account with us. Withdrawals from your trust account will be paid to you not later than the next business day via your preferred payment mode either by cheque or epayment.
If you are interested to explore our PacOnline trading, please click HERE.

Note: The company reserves the right to vary the above terms and conditions at its sole and absolute discretion from time to time without prior notice.